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News & Announcements


Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.

Tue, 08/16/2005
Today 8/16/2005 at 12:30 p.m.
Fri, 07/01/2005
If you fail to pay your fees by the end of the day you will be prevented from further e-filing until all fees are paid. You may pay your fees at any time by running the “Internet Fees Due” report which is found under the CM/ECF “Utilities Menu”. We...
Fri, 07/01/2005
Effective July 1, 2005 The Declaration Regarding Electronic Filing, required when filing a petition electronically (ECF) or on diskette, has been revised. For installment cases, the signature of the debtor(s) on the “Declaration” will take the...
Fri, 07/01/2005
Effective Immediately. Application for permission to pay filing fee in installments is now accepted for electronically filed cases (ECF). The requirements to file a case electronically and pay the fee in installments are: File an application,...
Mon, 05/23/2005
Effective Immediately Step-by-step Procedures: 1) Follow normal process to open Lead case; 2) Run Judge Trustee Assignment for Lead case only; 3) File each additional case. Do not run Judge Trustee Assignment for each additional case; 4) Select...
Mon, 05/16/2005
Effective July 1, 2005, the court will no longer accept paper documents for filing. All documents submitted to the court must be submitted electronically through the court’s electronic filing system (CM/ECF). To submit filings via the electronic...
Mon, 01/03/2005
Effective January 3, 2005 all documents commencing either a bankruptcy case (petition, lists, schedules, statements, plans, installment agreements, declarations) or adversary proceeding (complaint, cover sheet, summons), not filed via the internet...
Fri, 12/10/2004
Effective Immediately Based on the Standing Order effective December 1, 2004, the following procedural guidelines clarify how this document should be filed. The Notice of Motion, should reflect the Confirmation Hearing Date, if initial request....
