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The Bankruptcy court for the Northern District of Illinois offers a database of opinions listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

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Judge Donald R. Cassling
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
11/16/2021 In re Jelena Dordevic

20 B 09807

10/05/2021 Philip V. Martino, not individually, but solely in his capacity as the duly appointed Trustee for the estate of Sohail A. Shakir, v. Sohail A. Shakir et al.(In re Sohail A. Shakir)

20 B 01252, 21 A 00008

09/22/2021 Gus Paloian v. Jorgovanka Dordevic (In re Jelena Dordevic)

20 B 09807, 20 A 00340

09/21/2021 Renew Packaging, LLC v. Camilo Andres Ferro (In re Camilo Andres Ferro)

20 B 10492, 20 A 00273

Chief Judge Jacqueline P. Cox
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
11/12/2021 In re Robert M. Kowalski

18 BK 09130
A receiver appointed by a domestic relations judge seeks over $150,000 in administrative expenses for discovering assets that did not bring value to the bankruptcy estate.  The request was denied.

10/13/2021 Paloian v. Byline Bancorp, Inc. et al. (In re Robert M. Kowalski)

18 BK 09130, 19 AP 00626
The Trustee filed an adversary proceeding against Byline Bank alleging conversion and violation of the automatic stay because the bank cashed cashier’s checks for the Debtor and his sister that the Debtor purchased pre-petition. The sister, an attorney,...

Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
11/05/2021 Shawn S. Prate

19 B 9980

09/07/2021 Patrick S. Layng, U.S. Trustee v. Waseem Khan (In re Waseem Khan)

20 B 17315, 21 A 00067

07/29/2021 In re Robert Wheatley

19 B 17777

07/26/2021 Louis Weltman v. Jacob Hakalir (In re Jacob Hakalir)

19 B 5093, 19 A 817

07/12/2021 David Schneider and Deborah Schneider v. Michael Billon (In re Michael Billon)

20 B 17535, 20 A 413

Judge Timothy A. Barnes
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
10/29/2021 Herzog v. Ferguson (In re Eric Ferguson)

20bk17679, 20ap00426
Upon the complaint, brought by plaintiff/trustee, objecting to the defendant/debtor’s discharge under 11 U.S.C. § 727(a)(5) based on the debtor’s failure to satisfactorily explain the dissipation of $70,159.22 in the year prior to filing for bankruptcy, following...

09/03/2021 Bertha McGee v. Nottia M. Reed (In re Nottia M. Reed)

18bk19801, 18ap00837
Upon the judgment creditor’s complaint for determination of nondischargeability of debt pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 523(a)(2)(A) and (a)(4) based on the Debtor’s alleged fraud with respect to creation and execution of a power of attorney for her father while he was...

Judge David D. Cleary
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
09/15/2021 In re Kahniyah Corder

21 B 10189
Creditor Future Finance, which held a nonpossessory secured claim against the Debtor’s car, repossessed that car prepetition.  After Debtor filed for relief under chapter 13, she demanded that Future Finance return the car.  When it did not, Debtor filed a motion for...

07/22/2021 In re: Kalid Jama

19 B 35595
Debtor asked the court to reopen his bankruptcy case for the purpose of pursuing an action under 11 U.S.C. § 362(k).  Held: Motion denied for three reasons.  First, Debtor is a debtor in another bankruptcy case and cannot have two open cases.  Second, Debtor was never...

Judge Deborah L. Thorne
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
09/13/2021 In re Bessie Robinson


09/02/2021 Latonya D. Kitchen and Karensa Hutchens v. Fund Recovery (In re Argon Credit LLC)

16-39654, 21-00048

08/26/2021 Schwartzberg v. Tuteja et al (In re Nathan Schwartzberg)

19-18325, 21-00075

08/18/2021 Republic Bank of Chicago v. Spero A. Poulos (In re Spero A. Poulos)

20-05379, 20-00388

07/28/2021 In re Aiwa Corporation

