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The Bankruptcy court for the Northern District of Illinois offers a database of opinions listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

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Judge Timothy A. Barnes
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
10/10/2019 Aire Serv LLC v. Roberts (In re Joseph F. Roberts and Dorothy L. Roberts)

19bk06272, 19ap00587
On a motion for a preliminary injunction by the plaintiff, a former franchisor of a business owned and operated by the debtor-defendant, to prohibit the debtor-defendant from operating such business in alleged violation of a covenant not to compete entered into in...

09/30/2019 In re LLC 1 07CH12487

Upon the chapter 7 debtor’s motion to dismiss its bankruptcy case, which was remanded to this court for further findings that would permit dismissal or further proceedings in the case following an uncontested appeal by a creditor opposing dismissal, the court having entered...

04/30/2019 In re Christina Woodruff

On a chapter 13 debtor’s claim objection seeking a determination from the court of the nature, validity and amount of a tax purchaser’s claim in a chapter 13 case where the deadline to redeem the property taxes in question expired prepetition but no tax deed has been issued...

04/15/2019 In re Class A Properties Five, LLC

Upon the motion to dismiss brought by a creditor, alleging that the debtor filed a second petition for bankruptcy in violation of a court order that dismissed the debtor’s first bankruptcy case with prejudice, held: The dismissal of the debtor’s first case under bad faith...

Judge Thomas M. Lynch
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
09/30/2019 In re Donna J. Neely

Debtor’s objection to a claim alleging breach of fiduciary duty with respect to various family trusts was sustained in part and overruled in part following trial, finding that Claimants: (1) had standing as contingent trust beneficiaries to bring their claim; (2) failed to...

09/03/2019 In re Thomas G. Gialamas

18-13341 (Western District of Wisconsin)
Creditor’s motion for relief from the automatic stay and to abandon property is denied because Creditor failed to show that he held a lien against property of the bankruptcy estate on the basis of a state court order for supplementary...

08/29/2019 In re Samuel T. Rowell

Debtor’s objection to claim asserted by former tenants sustained in part and overruled in part. Claim for unjust enrichment based on Claimants’ contribution to purchase of property allowed; remainder of claim barred by the statute of frauds or the terms of the lease agreement...

08/06/2019 Michael Draka v. Joshua J. Andrea (In re Andrea)

18-80357, 18-96014
Judgment entered in favor of Debtor on objection to discharge under § 523(a)(6) after finding that Plaintiff did not meet his burden of proving that the Debtor was liable for a debt for willful and malicious injury arising out of a motorcycle accident.

06/27/2019 In re Thomas G. Gialamas

18-13341 (Western District of Wisconsin)
Debtor’s opposed first motion under section 1121 to extend the exclusivity periods to file and obtain acceptance of a chapter 11 plan of reorganization granted based in part on pending cross-motions for summary judgment in a preference action...

05/10/2019 Jerome Maurice Davis v. CitiMortgage, Inc. (In re Davis)

11-81785, 14-96129
The court relinquished jurisdiction and dismissed without prejudice the Debtor’s adversary complaint challenging the validity of CitiMortgage, Inc.’s asserted lien in the Debtor’s residence. Because the bankruptcy case had closed, the plan had completed, and the...

Judge Deborah L. Thorne
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
09/24/2019 In re Westlake Property Holdings, LLC, et al.

19-22878 (jointly administered)

05/22/2019 Cheryl Holman v. Johnson & Johnson


Chief Judge Jacqueline P. Cox
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
08/30/2019 In re Royalty Properties, LLC

19 B 07692
The court converted the Chapter 11 case filed by Debtor Royalty Properties, LLC to Chapter 7, finding that it was filed in bad faith as a litigation tactic to delay a mortgage foreclosure case filed 10 years ago.  The debt was incurred in 2006 to purchase its main asset, a...

04/20/2019 In re James Thigpen

17 B 10161
The Debtor James Thigpen maintained two Social Security numbers and made false statements to obtain Supplemental Security Income ("SSI") benefits he was not entitled to.  He pleaded guilty and was convicted of embezzling money belonging to the United States.  The sentencing...

Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
08/06/2019 In re Judith K. Begoun

13 B 27604

07/18/2019 Ilene F. Goldstein v. Jason Lewis Zilberbrand (In re Jason Lewis Zilberbrand)

17 B 4034, 19 A 129

03/29/2019 In re Bruno Ranieri

15 B 20765

Judge Donald R. Cassling
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
07/16/2019 In re Parkland Properties, LLC, et al.

13 B 22702

Judge Janet S. Baer
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
05/23/2019 Brenda P. Helms v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Michael K. O’Malley, Tracy Zellmer, and TAMO, LLC (Michael K. O’Malley)

13 B 10864, 16 A 00552
Chapter 7 trustee and plaintiff Brenda P. Helms filed an adversary complaint against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, debtor Michael K. O’Malley, his spouse Tracy Zellmer, and Zellmer’s company TAMO, LLC, seeking: a declaratory judgment that O’Malley’s...

04/25/2019 Christopher Salgado v. David E. Lenoci, II (In re David E. Lenoci, II)

16 A 00223, 15 B 04436
Plaintiff Christopher Salgado filed an adversary complaint against debtor-defendant David E. Lenoci, II, seeking a determination that a state court judgment debt for battery is not dischargeable under 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(6).  Salgado alleged that Lenoci struck...
