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The Bankruptcy court for the Northern District of Illinois offers a database of opinions listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

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Judge David D. Cleary
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
07/25/2024 IYS Ventures v Itria Ventures (IYS Ventures, LLC)

23 A 194, 23 B 6782
Chapter 11 Debtor/Plaintiff filed an adversary...

07/23/2024 Custer v. Yao (Saunders G. Yao)

12 B 18946, 23 A 00361
Plaintiff sued Defendant in state court in 1999, alleging breach of contract and fraud.  The parties resolved the lawsuit with a consent judgment in which the state court entered judgment in a certain amount in favor of Plaintiff and dismissed the fraud count...

06/24/2024 Martinez v. Naranjo (George Naranjo)

23 A 124, 23 B 2003
Plaintiff filed a complaint objecting to Debtor’s discharge under 11 U.S.C. §§ 523(a)(2)(A), (a)(6), and (a)(19).  Plaintiff alleged he invested money with the Debtor in 2018 and 2019 and only received a small repayment in return.  The complaint was dismissed with leave...

06/17/2024 In re Frank Martin Paris, Jr.

23 B 16481
Chapter 7 debtor sought conversion under 11 U.S.C. § 706(d) to subchapter V of chapter 11.  The case trustee and the Debtor’s ex-wife opposed the request on the grounds that Debtor was not eligible to be a debtor under chapter 11.  HELD: The Supreme Court explained in ...

05/08/2024 St. Margaret’s Health - Peru

23 B 11641
Chapter 11 debtors sought conditional approval of their disclosure statement, and authority to hold a combined hearing on the disclosure statement and plan. The U.S. Trustee objected to both requests. HELD: Objection overruled. The Bankruptcy Code provides for combined...

04/04/2024 In re IYS Ventures, LLC

23 B 6782
Chapter 11 debtor operates gas stations, some owned and the rest leased from a national company (“CAP”) that also supplies fuel and licenses its marks.  Debtor sought authority to assume its agreements with CAP.  Meanwhile, CAP sought to compel rejection or, in the...

02/23/2024 In re Velsicol Chemical LLC, et al.

23 B 12544
The District of Columbia sought leave to take discovery of Debtors and related entities pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2004.  Debtors objected.  HELD: The scope of a Rule 2004 examination is broad.  Standing to take Rule 2004 examinations is not limited to creditors, but...

Chief Judge Jacqueline P. Cox
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
07/17/2024 Coast to Coast Leasing, LLC vs. M&T Equipment Finance Corporation, et al (In re Coast to Coast Leasing, LLC)

24 BK 03056, 24 AP 00172
In this chapter 11 case, the Debtor sought a temporary restraining order (TRO) to stay litigation against third-party guarantors, the Debtor’s principals, and related entities.  The Debtor argued its principals were responsible for all management, accounting,...

05/21/2024 In re We’ll Clean Incorporated

24 BK 00151
The chapter 7 trustee (the “Trustee”) moved for a determination that creditors’ pre-petition state court claims against non-Debtor third-parties for successor liability, fraudulent conveyance, and creation of a constructive trust were property of the estate.  Creditors...

03/18/2024 H & H Fast Properties, Inc. v. Toorak Capital Partners, LLC (In re H & H Fast Properties, Inc.)

23 BK 16874, 24 AP 00020
After filing for bankruptcy, the subchapter V Debtor filed an adversary proceeding, seeking an injunction to stay a creditor from enforcing a state court judgment it obtained against the Debtor’s principal on a debt she guaranteed.  The court denied the Debtor’...

02/15/2024 In re Dennis Molnar

19 BK 09525
A chapter 13 debtor filed a motion to substitute attorney and informed the court that his lawyer(s) of record from the Semrad Law Firm did not return his calls after he sought their help with a mortgage issue, causing him to secure other counsel.  The court entered an Order...

Judge Deborah L. Thorne
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
07/10/2024 Corey Wiggins v. Abraham Tofa (In re Abraham Tofa)

23bk15233, 24ap00044
Plaintiff filed a motion seeking the Judge’s recusal or disqualification due to allegations of bias against him for his pro se status and belief that rulings in the case had been decided incorrectly. HELD: The court denied recusal or disqualification based on...

Judge A. Benjamin Goldgar
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
06/11/2024 The Neely Group, Inc.

24 B 3859

Judge Donald R. Cassling
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
06/03/2024 In re J Publication Company

19 B 10236

02/28/2024 In re Roosevelt McCoy

23 B 09640

Judge Timothy A. Barnes
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
04/30/2024 In re Rosebud Farm, Inc.

On the remand from the District Court of the court’s disallowance of a claim for attorney’s fees and costs arising from a prepetition judgment against the debtor and upon further briefing and fully competing claims brought by the judgment creditor (the attorney’s prepetition...

03/29/2024 Michael K. Desmond, not individually, but as Chapter 7 Trustee for the bankruptcy estate of Lee C. Keebler, v. Lee C. Keebler and Pamela Keebler (In re Lee C. Keebler)

21bk03589, 22ap00001
Upon the objection to the debtor’s exemption claimed in his home, the adversary complaint seeking to avoid fraudulent transfer of the debtor’s home and to sell the debtor’s spouse’s interest in the home and the motion to reopen evidence to take judicial notice, all...

Judge Thomas M. Lynch
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
03/29/2024 Volkan Turan v. Tatyana Rivtis (In re Volkan Turan)

23-80007, 23-96006
Court granted summary judgment in favor of judgment creditor on cross-motions for summary judgment, finding based on undisputed facts that
the memorandum of judgment that creditor recorded pre-petition satisfied the requirements under Illinois law to create a...

03/01/2024 In re: Javeed A. Syed, In re: Abdul H. Khan and Shumaila Khan

23-08362, 23-08391

Judge Janet S. Baer
Date Issuedsort ascending Description
03/15/2024 Margaret Burke v. Leonard S. DeFranco (Leonard S. DeFranco)

22 A 00128, 22 B 02890
Margaret Burke filed an adversary complaint against Leonard S. DeFranco, seeking a determination that a debt owed to her by DeFranco by virtue of a state court judgment was not dischargeable pursuant to §§ 523(a)(2)(A), (a)(4), and (a)(6). Subsequently, Burke...
