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Winnebago County 341 Trustee Preferences

The preferences identified in the following charts are for informational purposes only and merely reflect a particular trustee's preferences. It does not expand or limit a trustee's discretion, nor does it expand or limit a debtor's duties to produce statutorily required information. If you have a question about the information in the chart, contact the trustee.

Trustee Name List the preferred method for debtors to transmit the tax return, pay stubs and additional documents to you. State any informal practices you have established - e.g., meeting continued if documents not received within 48 hours of meeting, etc.
Brian Hart Prefers documents to be sent via the Stretto document portal.  Questions should be directed via email to All documents must be received in Trustee's office seven (7) days prior to 341 meeting, or the meeting will be continued. Documents required are: 1.) 60 days of paystubs or income information prior to filing. 2.)  a copy of the last Federal tax return filed by the debtor with all schedules and statements included, and 3.) 90 days of pre-petition bank statements for all accounts.
James Stevens
Prefers documents to be sent via the Stretto document portal. Questions should be directed via email to
All documents must be received 14 days prior to the 341 meeting. Documents required: ID, proof of social security number, most recently filed tax return and pay advices for the 60 days prior to filing.
Joseph Olsen Prefers document to be sent via the Stretto document portal. Questions should be directed via email to
Requires the documents to be sent at the time of filing of the petition to allow for the review and resolution of any issue prior to the 341 meeting. Meeting will generally be continued if documents (tax returns, pay advices, ID, social security number, and Zoom form) are not received 14 days prior to the meeting date.

CREDITORS wishing to be admitted to any 341 meeting must call the trustee’s office in advance of the meeting indicating the case number, 341 date and time, and the name of the creditors wishing to appear.  This information must be provided before the 341 call begins.