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Telecommunication Failure

Monday, April 30, 2012

A catastrophic failure has occurred within our District regarding telecommunications. At this time we can only advise that Court, Circuit, Judiciary and Service Provider technical staff is working on the trouble . We will continue to update in this manner and via Website announcements . Though our service may appear to be available while the problem is being worked on, please be advised that we will send an "Official" message when service is restored.

For your information , the following limits of what is available and what is not working : CM/ECF is available for opening new cases and for docketing. Though you may open new cases and review "Dockets" you will not receive Notices of Electronic Filing (NEF); You must use your CM/ECF login to perform the foregoing. You can not view document images . Your PACER login will not work.

We apologize for the difficulty this unfortunate failure is causing and assure you that all efforts are being made to correct the trouble.