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Important announcement about the court's motion practice

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

During the COVID-19 emergency, the Judicial Conference of the United States temporarily permitted remote electronic access to civil and bankruptcy proceedings.  Earlier this month, the Judicial Conference found that the COVID-19 emergency was no longer affecting the functioning of the federal courts.  Remote audio-only public access to civil and bankruptcy proceedings may continue – but only for a 120-day period ending September 21, 2023.  Video public access will not be permitted.  Last week, the Seventh Circuit Judicial Council approved a resolution aligning circuit policy with the Judicial Conference guidance.

The bankruptcy court’s hybrid video/in-person motion practice must be modified to comply with circuit policy.  Effective May 22, 2023, motions in the bankruptcy court will continue to be heard both in person and electronically using the Zoom for Government platform, but Zoom appearances must be audio only.  Video on Zoom will be turned off.

Because motions heard electronically will be audio only, attorneys and others appearing for motions using Zoom for Government must identify themselves on Zoom by first and last name using Zoom’s “Rename” feature.

The court’s notice of motion forms (G-3 and G-3.1) have been modified to delete references to video and make clear that electronic appearances are audio only.  The revised forms are available here and here.