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Pro Hac Vice

Pursuant to LBR 2090-3 and section 1.D.1. of the Administrative Procedures for the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing system, an attorney who is not a member of the bar of the District Court but who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any state or of any United States District Court may appear before this court after:       

(1) Completing the form application for leave to appear pro hac vice as prescribed by the District Court;

(2) Paying the required fee to the Clerk of the District Court; and

(3) Filing the application and receipt for payment with the Clerk of this Court.

The following are three ways to appear Pro Hac Vice:

1) Appearance Only - Pro Hac Vice for an attorney who does not want to file document electronically:

  • Complete the form application for leave to appear Pro Hac Vice as prescribed by the District Court Click Here
  • Pay the required fee to the Clerk of the District Court. Click Here
  • File application.
    • Have Local Counsel file application in CM or
    • File the application and receipt at the Intake counter of the Bankruptcy Court or
    • Mail in the application and receipt to the Bankruptcy Court.

2) Appearance and File Documents Electronically:

  • Complete registration form to become a Pro Hac Vice ECF filer Click Here

Please note that upon completion of the registration form you will receive an email with further online training instructions.

  • Pay the required Pro Hac Vice filing fee electronically
  • File the application in CM/ECF upon receiving LIVE login and password

3) Attorney who has previously been admitted Pro Hac Vice, has a login and password to the Bankruptcy Court and wishes to file another application on a new Bankruptcy Case Click Here to "access paragraph (c)" to generate a payment link.

  • Enter information as requested Attorney ECF login and password and Case Number
  • Link will be sent to your email associated with your E-filing  account to make Pro Hac Vice Payment
  • File the application in CM/ECF on new Bankruptcy Case