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Reminder - Required use of Standardized Proposed Order Form, 11/01/2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Use of these forms, Bankruptcy and Adversary, will be required for all motions and proposed orders presented on and after November 1, 2010. Based on feedback from our filer-base and the bench we have posted an updated version of the fillable forms. You are encouraged to use the latest version of the fillable draft order forms, but you may continue to use the earlier version of the forms if procedural considerations will require a period of time for you to implement the new forms.

The court has and will continue to prepare training materials and other resources to help you in this effort, but your questions and suggestions are appreciated. Please share your thoughts and questions by using our "E-Order Feedback" tool. You can find the feedback tool and much more in Fillable Form Order Information page.

. You are encouraged to work with the court's information technology and operational staff to test your documents and processing before the mandatory date. To become an "early adopter", please communicate your interest using the feedback tool.