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New and Revised Fillable Order Forms

Friday, May 13, 2011

The court has updated the fillable proposed order forms for Bankruptcy and Adversary cases. Additionally, a fillable version of the Order Allowing Compensation for Representation of Chapter 13 Debtor has been created. Please adopt the use of these forms as quickly as possible.

Fillable Form Orders - Bankruptcy and Adversary
Orders Allowing Compensation for Representation of Chapter 13 Debtor

The Judges, Clerk and staff are very appreciative of your efforts to adopt and implement the "fillable" order process. Based on feedback received from our filer base here are a few suggestions that will help you and the court:

When preparing your proposed order choose the "Save As" option in Adobe Acrobat using an appropriate file name. DO NOT PRINT THE ORDER TO PDF OR PAPER. Doing either will caused the loss of the form's fillability and its field names, which are essential for the process to work properly.

Do not change the form structure. This means do not change the field names or field locations. If your firm has a specific, special need regarding the form design please contact us at:

We will discuss your suggestions and needs to see if we can help.